


Photos Infocenter Morokulien

The photos are taken in September 2005. For enlarged pictures please click on the pictures.

Eingang Infocenter

The entrance of the Infocenter lies directly on the border line between Sweden (to the left) and Norway (to the right).

Grenzverlauf im Infocenter

The border inside the Infocenter

Blick in den Norwegischen Teil

View to the right into the Norwegian part of the Infocenter.

Schwedischer Teil des Infocenters

View to the left (the Swedish part). Here you will find the information desk and a small souvenir shop.

Blick aus Eingangstür

View from the entrance door towards the street. The cottage on the left (called "grensstua") is the amateur radio station. In the background is located the peace monument. Norway lies on the right side of the white border line, Sweden on the left side.


Opening hours 2005.

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Created: Sep 09, 2005   Last change: Sep 28, 2005   DL6BZ